24 October 2011

Weird Dream from when I was a kid.

Well, kid meaning younger than I am now. But still.

When I was a kid, I had this dream that I was hanging out with this six foot tall Aryan (His hair was brown. His eyes were brown. He had really cool eyebrows. I don't know why I assigned him as "Aryan," I just did.), discussing the comical merits of Robin Williams in front of a huge poster of his movies.

Technically, the werewolf was an assassin who was hired to kill me, so while we were hanging out discussing Robin Williams, his decrepit boss starts hissing at him to do his job already. But I had come prepared.

For earlier, (Yes, my dreams have plot and flashbacks) I had been running through some tunnels when I was tackled by this net that forced me to only tell the truth, and the leader of the people with the net gave me these crazy colorful beads that I stuck in my pocket.

So I had these beads, and as the old guy's freaking out at me, I start chucking them at him. And they burn like fire. Presumably he died.

My subconscious has some serious issues.

1 comment:

  1. So it might but it makes for interesting blog posts. Maybe you'll put this chunk of dream into your Nanowrimo story for this year!
