02 March 2020

Letting it stand

5 years after the last post on here
10 years after the first post on here

It's surreal.

I'd forgotten about this blog. I'd come across my old email account, or the word "pique", and think "Oh yeah, remember your old blog? Wonder if it's still up."

Well, I guess so.

I've been working on the site set up for a wordpress blog, but the learning curve is a bit too intense when all I really want is to be able to type whatever comes into my head in a way that isn't on facebook or tumblr (so, in a way that isn't too reliant on other people's feedback). I don't need a central webpage, I just want a text box.

So I guess I've come back here.

I think my plan is going to be to see if I can share this blog between two users: K Moss and Mossifer (name pending). K Moss will be the legacy poster here. It's weird to see all of their posts and thoughts up, but I don't think I'm going to delete any of it. It's important to me to see this sort of history that I have with myself, regardless of how frequently ignorant or biased I was, as a younger person. This will be the last post that they make, though, barring tech issues.

Mossifer will be me, the same person 5 years later.
Man, that's weird.

I guess it calls for an introductory post? A re-introductory post? I'm unsure of the semantics here.

Let us be friends again, internet.

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