22 February 2011

So. Uhm. Yeah.

Right, so I know I said I was going to do a few posts of real political import.
But I'm a college student. I can do politics for only a few hours at a stretch, and I had an intense debate (series of intense debates) about Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game earlier today. And I have a Religions quiz for tomorrow that I should be studying for anyhow.

So I'm not.

This is what's new with me in college.
I'm taking a Creative Writing Class...and we have fiction workshops tomorrow...on my story, so I'm properly worried now. Also, there's the Inquiry to Religions quiz, which I've only half-assedly studied for. And then there's ISP.
And then I need to find the Housing offices because I did something stupid when recontracting for next year that I'm not talking about anymore.

But after that I get to talk to my mommy on facebook, which is infinitely yay.

So, good hand, bad hand.

Also, we just had a curling bonspiel and my team won! Go my team!

Hm. I also kind of have a stalker. Ish. It seems like a strong word, but he's totally a closet stalker. Like, he reads *all* of my wall posts. Who does that? Well, me, but I don't talk to people about this two days later. It's...creepy, honestly.

And I've told him I am *not* seeking a relationship, really. And he's like, yeah, okay, I'm not either, but then he texts me or FB chats me and it's making me uncomfortable. Not, like, OMG call the cops if you see this man uncomfortable... but I'm not on the best of terms with most of humanity anyway, especially the male side.

So. Stalker, bonspiel, mommy, recontracting, ISP, quiz, workshop (shudder)...
What else?
Oh yes.

My roommate has taken up snoring. I've taken up smothering myself with a pillow and going to sleep with Black Sabbath on my MP3. I haven't done this in a while, so maybe that's why I woke up at 3am, 5:30 am, 7 am, and 8:30 am...and finally at nine when my alarm rang this morning. So that's exciting.

So I drew that two days ago.
I also have an entertaining story about a pair of swim trunks, which I'll tell you as soon as I doodle out the pictures. Or not.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bremon. I hope all goes well. I would so come up and help you out if you were not a day away from me! Also I really agree with your comic about picking room mates. Also if you need me text or face book me. Talk to you soon.
