26 April 2010


I'm trying to cut down on swearing.

It's mostly been working, since you should have heard me back in ninth grade. I sounded like I lived...somewhere that people swore a lot. Um...yeah.

Anyway, I've been trying to cheat through this by either swearing in other languages that no one else understands (Russian, Polish, Yiddish, and Dark Elven - I can't use Spanish since everyone else in my school - possibly including the teachers - knows all of the Spanish curse words.)
But lately I've felt guilty about this, so I really AM trying to cut down on the actual "bad words." In respect to friends and family and possibly the general public, even though I don't really care about the general public unless it is thinking about giving me a job.

That was a really meandering sentence.

But in my quest to cut down on swear words, I keep coming up with the STRANGEST phrases ever.
For instance - today, while trying to get on facebook with my (unfortunately) dial-up connection, loading was taking forever. Then the battery died. Then I had to reload and restart and all the computer doohickey stuff that other people know about, I'm sure, and after I finally got back ON facebook, and was doing vaguely useful stuff, the computer suddenly slo...w...e...d......d...o...w...n....
and I say this: Jesus, Lord of fishes and little idiots, will you WORK!
Then I nearly fell off my chair laughing.

25 April 2010

Hi, world.
So my dad just came over, stopped in front of my big, cushy chair, and opened the laptop wider so he could see what was on the screen. Then he left the room.
No idea what that was about.
Anyway, just so you know, I'm probably not going to update every day. I'm in school. I have twenty-four days left of school, to be precise, and then I'm hoping I have work, because if I don't, the world will be a slightly more penniless and broke place for me.
That said, I don't plan on apologizing every time I'm a few days late. I have to apologize to my teachers and my parents alike for being late or insufficient, and this little blog is my little world. I've seen too many blogs where the authors start trying to pander to what they think everyone else wants, and in most cases, it has not turned out well.
On the other hand, I've seen blogs where the author has been a cold, arrogant, and callous jerk, and...
Oh wait, this is America. The cold arrogant callous jerks find that their readers triple within a month.
But I digress...and horribly so. here I was trying to say one thing, and it's turned into a social commentary.
So. I shall be a wise dictator on this blog. If you comment, I shall read your comments/suggestions. I will do a happy dance that you read my blog. I will take them under advisement. I may also choose not to anything about them whatsoever.

Huh. I've always wanted to be ruler of the world.

So I burned my tongue today. I was drinking really, really hot tea that I got from Kwik Trip, and I drank it and...
So now my tongue is all scrapey and kind of hurts. Weirdly enough, when you drink hot stuff, your tongue hurts but your throat - or mouth - or lips don't. Maybe it's decreased nerve sensitivity. Huh.
Then I was talking on facebook to a friend, and SHE said that SHE had burned her tongue - on cappuccino today. The event was marked upon her idiot list. Don't ask. *grin*

Well, this week I've been enjoying a wonderful relationship with webcomics...
Dominic deegan : oracle for hire
Comedity 2.0
Finder's keepers.

I also finished the two Abarat books (by Clive Barker - great author) that I know of... and read this really nice duet called... Dreamhunter by Elizabeth Knox. I think.
I just took them back to the library.
Those were good books...
Yeah. Dreamhunter and Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox
They were kind of Garth Nix - y...with cool twists.

23 April 2010

Beginnings and definitions

I decided to start a blog because it's a global world out there, and most of that globe is on the internet. So. Here I am too. Hi, world.

I want to get my opinions, rants, and just plain wierd thoughts out there so that my friends can read them, my family can read them, and people who are entirely unknown to me can read them.

Also, I like blogs. I like reading them almost as much as I like reading books and webcomics.

Blah blah blah.

That's over then.

So this blog is called Points of Pique, which I mainly chose because it had something to do with my email, which I mainly chose because it sounded cool and no one else had it. And then some time ago (last night) I decided to look it up on dictionary.com, which is a very cool website. I have successfully argued the spelling and definition of several words thanks to this website. And yes, I'm anal like that. When bored enough, I will organize my pencils by size. Don't ask.

So - definitions as according to dictionary.com of pique:

verb,piqued, piqu·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, esp. by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.
2. to wound (the pride, vanity, etc.).
3. to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.): Her curiosity was piqued by the gossip.
4. to arouse an emotion or provoke to action: to pique someone to answer a challenge.
5. Archaic. to pride (oneself) (usually fol. by on or upon).
–verb (used without object)
6. to arouse pique in someone: an action that piqued when it was meant to soothe.
7. a feeling of irritation or resentment, as from a wound to pride or self-esteem: to be in a pique.
8. Obsolete. a state of irritated feeling between persons.

There were other definitions...like embroidery and ballet moves - but this blog isn't really about needles or toe-touches, is it?

I hope not.

And if you really want to know the rest of the meanings, you have a computer and (hopefully) fingers. Use them!

Anyway... these definitions actually make a lot of sense. Pique can mean irritated, ticked off, called to action and/or arousing curiousity. In which case i chose the right words for this.

Not to say, of course, that every blog will be sharp, witty, irritating or curious. But I have high hopes that most of them will be.

I like reading - books and webcomics and other blogs - so sometimes I'll talk about that.

I've always been a fan of comments - in fact, most of the reasons that previous projects have self-destructed has been a lack of support - from both myself and other people, so feel free to leave comments. But if you have a question, remember that I am still in school.

School = teachers. teachers = coolness, smartness, and, among other things, homework. Homework = progressively less free time. I can only procrastinate so long before my parents carry me, kicking and screaming, away from the computer to lay my nose down upon the grindstone. Heh.

At any rate, i believe that this post is quite long enough, so hail to thee, Ankh-Morpork and adios.