04 October 2010


The smell of ink.
The feel of paper.
The smell of burning circuits as your brain fries itself due to looking at a computer screen on way too much caffeine for way too long.

Yes, children, nanowrimo is coming up.
And by nanowrimo, I mean the awesomest thing to come out of november ever including Marie Antoinette, Matthew MacConaughey, and Madame Curie combined.

50,000 words in 30 days, man.
Y'should do it.

Starting on November 1st, I will go insane. And very likely disappear from the Internet...except for this bit of Internet.

That's really all I had to say.

Not half an hour ago, someone came by my room and gave me a cookie. Chocolate Chip. And milk.
For no reason other than the fact that she really wanted to bake something.
I love college.

The cookie tasted delicious, by the way. So did the milk.

1 comment:

  1. mmm, cookies.

    My neighbor was trying to help me plot my Nano story today... She doesn't seem to get that "It's going to be sorta fantasy" is quite a breakthrough xD
