02 October 2010

Things That Suck

1. Trying to go to sleep at 7am and not being able to because the light is coming through your curtains.
2. Actually going to sleep at 7:30, despite not being tired at all
3. Waking up at 11:40 anyway.
4. Not knowing what day it is because you've been awake through so many midnights it really doesn't matter anymore
5. Knowing that your parents read this and will call you about it in about two or three days because they have dial-up.
6. Not actually remembering what you talked about last night, but seeing as you were doing so at about 4am, fairly sure that most of it was pure rubbish.
7. Being hungry...and not wanting to get out of your beanie bag chair. On the other hand, I still have my (unmoldy) bread. Yay PB&J!
8. Not really wanting to do anything, despite that fact that you still need to post flyers up for your club before Monday and do laundry and possibly dishes.
9. Not knowing where your keys, wallet, or hat are when you do wake up, because before you went to sleep, you somehow squirreled them away into your bag and then shoved the bag under your chair. (The keys and wallet I'm not surprised about. But I didn't even wear a hat last night.)

Yeah. I am now a college student.
And for your information, there was NO parties, NO alcohol. There was just conversation, video games and mountain dew. And Nutella. But that was later. There was also nanowrimo, but since I've been talking about that for the past thirty days...I don't think it counts as being out of the ordinary.
So yeah.

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