20 September 2010

Bikes = Cool

A week or so ago, I really wanted to eat breakfast.

Some background - Usually I don't eat breakfast. I skip it. Don't do this. By college, make sure that you have a well-regimented eating schedule so that your stomach DOESN'T growl during class, or so that you DON'T wake up at 3 am craving steak. To the three people who actually do this - Good Job! To everyone else - Congratulations. You are sane.

Unfortunately, when I want to eat breakfast, sometimes I wake up too late to do anything except wave at it on my way out of the door.

But I REALLY wanted to eat breakfast.

So I ate breakfast, looked at the clock (9:55. My class was at 10:00.) but I didn't swear. I kind of went "Meh."

That is because I own a bike.

It is an awesome bike. It's a blue Schwinn, and has a purple sparkly banana seat that cost about 20 bucks to put on.

It got me to class in about two minutes.

So. Bikes are cool and you should get one.

Especially if you're in college.

1 comment:

  1. Well Hi there Breanna. Can you do me a huge favor and post a story on here for me? Ben wants to read some stuff you wrote because I told him it was amazing. Then you should go on his face book page and read his notes. There are a lot of them but he has some really good writing. I would start with Jamesion Era. Thanks and have a wonderful Sunday. :)
